Sunday, May 5, 2024

Theme: Get Crafty with Clay

Purpose: show various forms of art
Reason this theme was chosen: Use of fine motor skills and creativity

PR: Poke it, Squeeze it, hit it, pick it up and pound it down. Let's go crazy for stories, songs and activities about making sculpture art.

I really thought this would be much easier than it actually was.  Maybe I just need to write the book.

Suggested art-themed books:

Claymates by Dev Petty

Cat Likes Red by Christopher Russo

Bob the Artist by Marion Denchars

Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson

Songs and Rhymes
I couldn't find any general art rhymes, but there are a lot about colors and painting, so instead, we did "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" which is one of our favorites.


Modeling clay / free play

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